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沙漏 Quick Sand_150x150cm_布面丙烯_建议市场价48000-
Hailan's World of Art
YANG Lele | Jan. 2019

“He believed in an infinite series of times, in a growing, dizzying net of divergent, convergent and parallel times. This network of times which approached one another, forked, broke off, or were unaware of one another for centuries, embraces all possibilities of time.” 

In The Garden of Forking Paths byJorge Luis Borges an ancient Chinese monarchauthors aliterary maze; its paths creating innumerable intersections and infinite potentialities. Time no longer travels in a linear pattern. It is a garden of unlimited possibilities where all futures co-exist and live.


When confronted with choices, no matter how many possibilities, we can only choose one. One track. One process. One ending. An autobiographical author of destiny. However, in Hailan’s world of art, realizing all possibilities becomes possible. The space allowed for creation might be extremely limited but it doesn’t stop her from running far and wild. She dwells in the past, lives in the present, and creates multiple futures, in this world and others, constructed from her own photographs, popular media, historical figures, and futures yet unknown. All of the scenarios and time become possible. It is part of the artist’s journey, a personal narrative of being and meaning, a rebellious offense to her identity in real life on Earth. 


“Being present in multiple dimensions” is one of the key elements observed in artist’s recent series of works. Limitations of time and space no longer hold back Hailan. She has a plurality of identities. The challenge against the notion of time itself confirms the imaginary and infinite nature of art.  


The fictional nature of art resembles the temporality of man - everything happens precisely, precisely now. What other possibilities might exist in the now? In Hailan’s art, we may get closer to the answer.


Getting the right tool and media, our artist is able to navigate in The Garden of Forking Paths, and see herself at every intersection with surprising new looks. 


At every corner she meets herself. Perhaps it is possible to her to be everything.

About Author

Yang Lele

Creative Writer/Screen Writer/Art Curator

 © Copyright Hailan Visual Art. All rights reserved. 2019

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